The course is residential and is 25 days in duration, broken down into 5 times 5-day weeks.
The course schedule:
- Week 1 – 29 October till 2 November 2018
- Week 2 – 12 till 16 November 2018
- Week 3 – 10 till 14 December 2018
- Week 4 – 14 till 18 January 2019
- Week 5 – 25 February till 1 March 2019
The initial first block of 10 days is delivered over 2 weeks nearby and is seen as the essential grounding for the remainder of the course. Following
that, the remaining modules are delivered on a 5-day weekly basis, approximately 3-4 weeks apart.
In the intervening weeks, course delegates will return to their respective partner employers whom it is expected will provide them with work
that will support and develop the areas they have previously covered on the course.